Celebrate Christ’s love – join us
for worship in person or online.

Get plugged in – find a class or
group you can connect with.

Get involved with a mission team
and outreach in the community.
A Message From Our Pastor

I want to be the first to welcome you to our website and to Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church. We invite you to join us and experience what makes PV so special as we continue this journey of becoming more like Christ. Here at PV, we celebrate all our stories because it is at the intersection of each of our individual stories that we understand more clearly the STORY of God. So, we are eager to welcome you and hear your story as well. Take some time to look around our website. Let us know how we can support and walk alongside you. And if you wish to speak with me or one of our staff, or just want to connect for prayer, we are ready to partner with you!
It is a privilege to get to know you and connect with you in any way possible.
Pastor Joel Plisek

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.
Matthew 18:20

We’re conveniently located near 29th and Amidon, just minutes from I-235 or K-96.
There is plenty of parking available and easy handicap access.